Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bradys Lake Training Camp

Team Guinea (minus Chris and Scott due to unforseen injury based circumstances) this week journeyed down to Bradys Lake in central Tasmania for a 5 day training camp on the site where National team selection will be held in March 2010.  We managed to complete 8 whitewater sessions over the 5 days and squeezed in some reading, relaxation and most importantly marshmallow toasting! 

Victorian Championships

The Australian racing season has started with the Victorian Championships last weekend. Some very tight racing transpired particularly in the mixed C2 category. With Scotty and Sarah claiming the win in the first run by a significant margin, Leanne and Chris decided to give anything a go to claim that Victorian title. Normally not seen in mixed C2, Leanne jumped in the back and Chris the front which worked well and gave them the win by only 2 seconds. It seems the mixed C2 title will be very fiercely fought for at the National Championships in January.

Other results from the Vic Champs included Chris and Scotty winning the Open men’s C2 class, Chris claiming the Open men’s K1 title and Leanne for Open Ladies C1 and K1.

Team Guinea also decided to make an appearance in t

he C1 team event together, where the starter had to remind us that it was not a race between all of us but rather a race between us and the other entrants. 

Unfortunately Team Guineas success at the Vic Champs was slightly marred by a minor injury on Saturday night. In a completely innocent camp game the members of the Guinea / Guinea C2 crew managed to collide into each other and unfortunately for Chris it seems that Scott’s head is harder than Chris’ nose. Needless to say the game ended promptly and has since resulted in Chris requiring surgery to maintain his claimed ‘beautiful looks’. Hopefully he will be back on the water asap.

New Team Guinea (+1) household!

Team Guinea has relocated to Penrith for the summer and are now proudly renting a house with Sarah Grant in South Penrith for the next 3 months to make the most of the whitewater facilities and coaching. The house is very nice (arguably too nice for a paddlers pad) and even has lights in the kitchen cupboards!